Belated Update May 2024

These updates are basically a record of my stuff for instant reference. You can see why I don’t publish this much stuff on my blog. This one is a bit late due to annoying things.

Just a repeat notice for those looking at the contact info – Contact me through Digital Journal. There are plenty of good, irritating reasons for the sign-up requirements on this blog and not doing things directly through my own social media.

Op-Ed: Trump verdict — That’s at least one win for the rule of law. I am tired of writing about this guy.

Op-Ed: Hey Steam! Games not loading isn’t our problem. It’s yours. Fix it. The gaming sector is way too smug.

Op-Ed: When your data is stolen, what’s really at stake? A lot, and maybe for a long time. People don’t seem to realize that when your data is stolen, you’re in for years of issues.

Op-Ed: Hyper-Clueless Hyper-Capitalism — The fan is getting hit hard.  Either prices go down, or the fan is permanently overloaded.

Op-Ed: Greed vs money vs politics vs unquestioning stupidity — You’re not winning Cost of living is almost as bad as Trump.

Op-Ed: What’s the point? Russian tactical nukes drill near Ukraine border? More brilliance.

Op-Ed: Here comes the first wave of AI hardware whether anyone likes it or not This tech is barely capable of doing very basic things using much older tech that’s been in development for years.

Op-Ed: Youth vs the world, and thank God, they’re winning — Slowly The Mills, Zoomers and Alphas are finding ways.

Op-Ed: Young America wants change, but how, and to achieve what? If you think politics is the answer, you haven’t been listening to the questions.

Op-Ed: Mindless finance — How the rich send themselves and everyone else broke DUMB.

Op-Ed: AI, plagiarism, law, sanity, money, and not doing much about any of it this is like watching a house brick do a college course.

Op-Ed: Deflation or death? Take your pick. Those are the choices.

Op-Ed: Perceptions of AI in education — The issue is trust. Some good news.

Op-Ed: Obsolete finance, corporate failures, and economic meltdown — Are we happy now? When the museums of your mind finally catch up with your incomprehension, this is economics.

Op-Ed: The law, sleaze, and futility — Doing America no favors, and it’s expensive A constipated rock would get more done than this.

Op-Ed: AI and AI game design, AI IP, and everything — When do the gloves come off? This is unavoidable. AI will develop games. Then what happens?

Op-Ed: China is buying gold as an investment alternative to markets — Why? Buying tiny amounts of gold probably is safer than the confetti currencies.

Op-Ed: An angled step forward, maybe — Israel to share oversight of Gaza with Arab states and US? Maybe.

Op-Ed: The ‘liberal’ arts are survival skills for humanity — That means you, in case you’d forgotten. The super-dumb think everyone lives on a screen. Wrong.

Op-Ed: Why is the introduction of AI so chaotic? It’s an old mindset. A frequently-nuked Scrabble set would be more efficient.