Lead on, O mighty broken-down societal shopping trolley

Seen a society anywhere? You might have seen something rather absurdly pretending to be a society. As everyone knows, the main purpose of human life is highly stressed paranoid expensive squalor for no reason at all. It’s exciting; you can watch your money sail past, while what it buys rots down before your eyes.

Some people say it’s better than sex.

Some don’t.

Better still, you get to share this fabulous experience with billions of other highly socialized idiots. Behold the mighty collective ignoramus. Marvel at its moronic grandeur. Watch it bestride this psychotic sewer we used to call a world like a rampaging dunghill.

Then do something else; it can get a bit dull.

Many people don’t know that squalor, even mental squalor, isn’t compulsory. Mental squalor can be avoided, for example. Like the rest of the collective stupor, it’s an acquired unconscious behavior. Try breathing. It might work.

Don’t bother with the collective idiocrasy. Consider: Of course you want to wade about in trivial bullshit. Naturally, every turgid little nuance of someone else’s putrid, noisy existence is worth any amount of your time. You might miss something. Every recycled formularized pile of trash demands your attention.

Like hell it does.  

The Great Shopping Trolley of Life is a true masterpiece of total lack of objectivity. It’s a mental dust-gathering exercise like no other. It’s also total garbage. Happiness happens in the mind; Even an orgasm has to find its way there eventually.

therefore you are societally obliged to clutter your existence with everything but mentally useful and enjoyable things. Trillions of dollars are spent creating irrelevance on this basis. Each day is thoughtfully buried under a lot of things to do, as the years ooze past. Better still, you have to perform absurd financial gymnastics for no possible reason. It’s almost as much fun as self-vivisection using a backhoe.  

It’s the logic of “the world”, again, intruding with an ongoing shopping list written by someone else, as usual. Normality, somehow, has become whatever normality can inflict on you. Who knew poetic justice could get so bitchy?

Are you young? Lucky you. Prepare to be drowned in bullshit. You need structure, aka your custom behavioral straitjacket. Your education, if nothing else, is an introduction to humanity and all the social skills you could ever need to despise.

The equation is: Input, kids, output, god knows what. A happy infant can be turned into a quite justifiably hyper-paranoid teen in just a decade or so in a pointlessly hostile artificial environment. What an achievement.

Education is expensive by definition. Too expensive by far. This is where the shopping trolley gets its sadistic kicks. You have to pay for all of this, with your tattered emotions and years of your time. By the time you’re 17, you’ll have spent about 80% of your life in a sort of personal war zone.

This is also a time in your life when you have incredible sensory capacity, and this existentially stinking filth is what your senses have to deal with. Patronizing, tacky images. Idiot noises. Stupid social events. Uninteresting people rotting away under every platitude. Noticed any sanity rattling around? You won’t.  

 You learn to survive every murderous second of high school, sort of. You learn that your worries will be systemically ignored by just about everyone. Then, if you’re a real masochist, you go to college, get a degree, and hope to whatever you believe in that the person you think is you still exists. (It is possible.)

This may be why so many people try so hard to vindicate their version of the famous and truly neglected “inner child”. That child is still wondering why they’re getting lumbered with a world of obsessive fecal-brained idiots.

That kid still wants to have all that fun. Kindergartens were invented by kids on that basis. Childhood is where you learn how to learn. Good education emphasizes “learn through play”. It’s also where you learn how to enjoy things, and perhaps why.

Happiness is one of the most legitimate and understandable aspirations of sanity. Therefore a whole lumbering society is constructed to prevent it. The shopping trolley, banal wardrobes, hideous makeup, and ridiculous social interactions sail on regardless into the simpering twilight.

Like every shopping trolley, the wheels don’t work. You have a large space to be filled rattling along in front of you with X choices unless you create your own. You can spend ridiculous amounts of misled time in a barren unnecessary wasteland simply deciding what you’re told you want by people with less neurons than a house brick.