Fibromyalgia, Lady Gaga, neurotransmitters, and ideas

Please note:

This article is not to be considered as any form of medical advice and relates to an unproven concept regarding fibromyalgia.  

Consult with your physician regarding any treatment for any medical condition.

Adrenalin is potentially extremely dangerous, and misuse could be fatal. Any usage must be under medical supervision.  

I know two people with fibro. Lady Gaga is also famously associated with the condition as both a sufferer and as an advocate trying to help other people with fibro.

I was watching an interview with Lady Gaga in which she said she got relief from the adrenalin rush she gets before going on stage. That got me interested.

This horrible, revolting condition is well-known as a massive disruption to everyday living, let alone superstar-level stage performances. Why would adrenalin have such an effect?

So, I started researching adrenalin. It produces two neurotransmitters, adrenalin, and noradrenalin. Neurotransmission helps manage neural connectivity. See this link for an overview, about halfway down the page.

So what, you may ask? So lack of neural connectivity, if to the extent of breaking neural connections, would act as multiple pain sources. It could explain the infuriating, baffling, non-localized pains of fibro, acting as breaks in neural connectivity. Most fibro sufferers report moving sources of pain.

OK, now here’s the logic:

If a nerve is cut or broken, it generates a pain signal. It may well be that lack of enough neurotransmitters does much the same thing. The nerves don’t connect, therefore they generate pain signals.

If adrenalin shuts down fibro pain, it’s quite likely that it revitalizes the levels of neurotransmitters to normal levels or something like normal, at least temporarily.

Adrenalin may well be a simple fix for the pain, if not the underlying condition. You could wear adrenalin patches, for example, to keep your neurotransmitter levels up.  

IMPORTANT: The critical issue is why is there such a deficiency in neurotransmitters? There has to be a reason for that, and the reason has to be systemic to affect the entire body.

Adrenalin is easily available, if inexcusably expensive. It was discovered in 1900, and apparently, there are no applicable patents.

The good news is that testing this idea would be easy and relatively cheap. A quick fix for fibro pain would be a plus, at least.